Create Alerts


This action allows to register one or more new alerts in the catalog.

Formats json
Method POST
Permission Writing
Returns No output data

The internal alerts should be defined through the catalog console or by the API, but only using the catalog token.


Key Description Optional
alerts Alerts list (alert) to register Not

Every alert element has the following structure:

Key Description Optional
id Alert ID to register No
name Alert name Yes
description Alert description Yes
type Alert type No
trigger Trigger type Mandatory for internal, not applies for externals
expression Expression to evaluate with the trigger Mandatory for internal, not applies for externals
component ID of the component to which the sensor belongs Mandatory for internal, not applies for externals
sensor ID of the sensor to which the alert applies Mandatory for internal, not applies for externals
entity Related entity identifier associated with the alert Yes

Please, note the following observations:

  • The ID must identify an univocal alert, e.g., 2 alerts may not have the same ID.
  • The ID must have only alphanumeric (i.e. letters and numbers) and dashes characters, with no embedded spaces.
  • The list of trigger’s types and expressions are defined by the platform: Trigger types.
  • The possible values ​​for the alert types are: INTERNAL or EXTERNAL.
  • Entity parameter is not mandatory, if empty the alert will be associated with the entity specified in the URL

Response data

This action doesn’t return additional data beyond the HTTP status code.


Adding one external alert

If rec entity wants to register a new custom external alert with REC_ALERT_001 identifier, to monitorize that maximum daily values for sensor REC_001 ranged from 60 and 80, the request will be:


and in the body message:

    "description":"Custom alert to monitorize that maximum daily values for sensor REC_001 ranged from 60 and 80",

This request will register a new external alert with ID REC_ALERT_001 and associated to rec entity (i.e. rec entity is who will publish alarms associated to this alert).

Remember, the external alerts are defined by third party entities(providers or applications), which will be the responsibles of calculating their logic and throw the related alarms when applies.

Adding one internal alert

If we want to register a new internal alert with ID REC_GT_45_ALERT_001, to monitorize that values for sensor’s rec REC_001 are greater than 45, the request to do is the following:


and in the body message:

    "description":"Internal alert to monitorize that values for sensor's rec REC_001 are greater than 45",

This request will register a new internal alert with REC_GT_45_ALERT_001 identifier and associated to REC_001 sensor which will publish an alarm when sensor value will be greater than 45.

This operation must be done using the catalog token.