Retrieve providers / sensors list


This resource returns a list of providers and sensors for which you have at least read permission. Sensors that are in the offline state won’t be listed. In addition, the service provides optional filtering by sensor type, component type and component name.

Format json
Method GET
Permission Reading
Return List of providers, with their sensors, on which we has at least read permission


Key Description Optional
type Sensor’s type filter Yes
component Component name filter Yes
componentType Component’s type filter Yes

Response data

As mentioned, this action, in addition to the HTTP status code, returns the list of providers for wich we have at least read permission.

Key Description Optional
providers Providers list (provider) with at least read permission Not

Each provider will have the following structure:

Key Description Optional
provider Provider ID No
permission Indicates whether it readable (R) or write (W) on the provider No
sensors Provider list of sensors (sensor) No

Each list element (sensor) will have the following structure.

Key Description Optional
sensor Sensor identifier No
description sensor description Yes

Data sensor type:

  • JSON
  • LINK
  • TEXT
location Location where de sensor is Yes
type Sensor type No
unit Unities in the sensor data coming Yes
timeZone Sensor’s timezone Yes
publicAccess Visualization check for the public area Yes
component Component is associated the sensor No
componentType Component type No
componentDesc Component description Yes
componentPublicAccess Visualization check for the public area Yes
additionalInfo Additional params related to the sensor Yes
technicalDetails Technical params related to the sensor Yes
componentTechnicalDet ails Technical params related to the component Yes


Request to retrieve all Providers / Sensors


in the response we will receive

    "providers": [{
        "provider": "A",
        "permission": "WRITE",
        "sensors": [{
            "sensor": "MAR_01_00_SN001_1010",
            "description": "Sound Sensor MODI 001",
            "dataType": "NUMBER",
            "type": "noise",
            "unit": "dBa",
            "state": "online",
            "component": "MAR_01_00_SN001_1010",
            "componentType": "generic",
            "timeZone": "CET"
    }, {
        "provider": "C",
        "permission": "READ",
        "sensors": [{
            "sensor": "MAR_02_20_PM001_1010",
            "description": "PM10 Sensor IMI 001",
            "dataType": "NUMBER",
            "type": "air_quality_pm10",
            "unit": "ug/m3",
            "state": "online",
            "component": "air_quality",
            "componentType": "generic"
        }, {
            "sensor": "MAR_02_20_PM001_1012",
            "description": "PM10 Sensor IMI 002",
            "dataType": "NUMBER",
            "type": "air_quality_pm10",
            "unit": "ug/m3",
            "state": "online",
            "component": "air_quality",
            "componentType": "generic",
            "additionalInfo": {
                "supportMail": ""
            "technicalDetails": {
                "producer": "xxxx",
                "model": "x-1",
                "serialNumber": "9999",
                "energy": "220VAC"
            "componentTechnicalDetails": {
                "producer": "XXXX",
                "model": "X-1",
                "serialNumber": "9999",
                "macAddress": "00:17:4F:08:5F:61",
                "energy": "12_24_VDC",
                "connectivity": "WIFI"

Request to recover all the sensors in the catalog filtered by type

The request in this case is very similar to the previous one adding the type parameter:


In this case as a response we will receive:

       "description":"PM10 Sensor IMI 001",
       "description":"PM10 Sensor IMI 002",

Other examples



Only sensors will “online” state are returned by the API.