
This guide describes how to: download, configure, compile and install the last version of Sentilo in your own runtime environment. Moreover, it details which are the infrastructure elements necessary for running Sentilo and how should be their default configuration settings. It’s assumed you have the skills to configure and install the necessary software base(Operating System, Maven,JDK, Mongo DB, Redis, etc).

The main topics are:

  • Prerequisites: describes the software elements that have to be installed before download the code.
  • Download and build: explains the steps to obtain the Sentilo code, to adapt it and how to build the platform artifacts.
  • Platform infrastructure: describes the mandatory infrastructure components for running Sentilo and its default configuration settings.
  • Deploy the artifacts: describes the necessary steps to deploy all the Sentilo modules


Sentilo uses Maven as a mechanism for building and managing the dependencies of the platform. In order to build Sentilo, it is necessary to ensure the next set of prerequisites:

  • JDK 1.8.x +
  • Git (optional)
  • Maven 3 +
  • Ensure that the the Java SDK and Maven executables are accessible using your PATH environment variable.

Download and build code

The Sentilo code must be downloaded from Github. Once downloaded, you can build it using a script named which constructs the Sentilo artifacts “out-of-the-box”.

Download the source code from Github

The source code of the project can be obtained from git, cloning the remote project in a local directory named sentilo:

git clone sentilo

An alternative method is to download a ZIP file from github repository and decompress it in a folder named sentilo:

In both cases, we will finally have a new directory named sentilo with the source code.

Compiling and build artifacts

Without changing the default configuration

If you want to build Sentilo out-of-the-box (i.e. build all artifacts that define the Sentilo platform without changing any of the default settings that are defined), we distribute a script named ./scripts/ which can be used to build Sentilo from the command line.

This script compiles the code and build the artifacts from scratch, but it doesn’t deploy them in the execution environments. This process must be done manually by different reasons, for example:

  • The deployment environment could be distributed in different servers. In example, Tomcat server and Pub/Subscribe server.
  • it’s not required to install all the components, like the relational database agent.

Changing default settings

If you want modify the code before to build it, you should import it into an Eclipse workspace with maven plug-in installed. Below we explain how to do it by using the M2E plugin.

  • Open the Eclipse workspace to import the code:
    • Go to File> Import> Existing Maven Projects
    • Select ./sentilo as the root directory
    • Select all projects and import

Warning: be sure that JDK 1.8, or later, is correctly configured in your Eclipse environment.

After modifying the code, to compile and build the artifacts, our recommendation is to use the above mentioned* buildSentilo* script.

Platform infrastructure

Before describing how to install all the Sentilo components, we’re going to explain how to configure each element of the infrastructure.

Sentilo uses the following infrastructure elements (they are grouped into two categories):

  • Mandatory
    • Redis 4.0.11
    • MongoDB 4.0.1
    • Tomcat 8.5.32 +
  • Optional
    • MySQL 5.5.x (Sentilo has been tested on MySQL 5.5.34 but you could use your favourite RDBMS) It is only necessary if you want to install the relational agent
    • Elasticsearch 5+ It is only necessary if you want to install the activity-monitor agent.
    • openTSDB 2.2.0 + It is only necessary if you want to install the historian agent

You must ensure that you have all these elements installed properly (you can find information on how to install them in each provider site).

Below we explain the default settings for each Sentilo module.

Default settings

Sentilo configuration uses the Spring and Maven profiles to allow its customization depending on the runtime environment. By default, the platform comes with a predefined profile named dev, which considers that each of these infrastructure elements are installed on the same machine and listening in the following ports:

  • Redis: 6379
  • MongoDB: 27017
  • Tomcat: 8080
  • MySQL: 3306
  • Elasticsearch: 9200
  • openTSDB: 4242

All these settings can be found in the subdirectory /src/main/resources/properties of each platform’s module.

Redis settings

Sentilo default settings consider Redis will be listening on port 6379, host, and with the parameter requirepass enabled and with value sentilo.

If you change this behaviour, you need to modify the following properties:

which are configured in the following files:


MongoDB settings

Sentilo default settings consider MongoDB will be listening on, and requires an existing database named sentilo, created before starting the platform, with authentication enabled and with login credentials preconfigured as sentilo/sentilo (username~:sentilo, password~:sentilo).

If you change this behaviour, you need to modify following properties:

configured in the following files:


Data load

Moreover, you need to load on sentilo database the basic set of data needed to run the platform. The data include, among other things:

  • An user admin: user for log in into the catalog webapp as administrator.
  • An user sadmin: user for log in into the catalog webapp with role super-admin.
  • A default sentilo tenant: used to configure the default viewer parameters (center, zoom, … ) from the catalog web app.
  • An entity sentilo-catalog: internal app used by the platform to synchronize information between its components.
  • An user platform_user: internal user used by the platform to synchronize information between its components.

To do this, you must load the data defined in the file:


For example, in your MongoDB machine, you should execute the following command from the directory where the file is located:

mongo -u sentilo -p sentilo sentilo init_data.js


The file init_data.js contains default passwords and tokens (which are ok for run Sentilo in a test environment). In order to avoid compromising your platform, we recommend to change them before installing Sentilo in a production environment.

If you change default values in the /sentilo/scripts/mongodb/init_data.js file and load them to MongoDB, you will have to modify the following properties before compiling and building Sentilo. So, following JS code from init_data.js :

Corresponds with:


, being rest.client.identity.key the token of a sentilo-catalog application, and value is a combination of user platform_user and it’s password.

These properties are in following files:


Test data load

In order to validate the correct installation of the platform, we could load a set of test data. These data includes, among other things: sensor types, component types, apps and providers.

These data is defined in the file:


and, as pointed above, you should run the following command to load it:

mongo -u sentilo -p sentilo sentilo init_test_data.js

MySQL settings


This software is mandatory only if you want to export the published events to a relational database using the Relational Database Agent. Otherwise, you can skip this step. Please, check this out for more info.

Sentilo default settings consider MySQL server will be listening on, and requires an existing database named sentilo, created before starting the platform, with authentication enabled and accessible using credentials sentilo_user/sentilo_pwd (username~:sentilo_user, password~:sentilo_pwd).

If you change this behaviour, you need to modify the following properties:


configured in the file:


Creating the tables

Once we have MySQL configured, and the database sentilo created, the next step is to create the database tables required to persist historical platform data.

At the following directory of your Sentilo installation:


you’ll find the script to create these tables.

Tomcat settings

Sentilo default settings consider Tomcat will be listening on

If you change this behaviour, you need to modify the following property:

configured in the following files:


Your Tomcat should also be started with the user timezone environment variable set as UTC. To set Timezone in Tomcat, the startup script (e.g. or must be modified to include the following code:


API server (Subscription/publication) settings

Sentilo default settings consider subscription/publication server (a.k.a. PubSub server) will be listening on

If you change this behaviour, you need to modify the following properties:


configured in the following files:


Configuring logs

Sentilo uses slf4j and logback as trace frameworks. The configuration can be found in logback.xml file, located in the subdirectory src/main/resources of sentilo-common module of the platform.

By default, all platform logs are stored in the directory /var/log/sentilo

Platform installation

Once you have downloaded the code and you have modify, compile and built it, the next step is to deploy Sentilo artifacts. The platform has five artifacts:

  • Web Application Catalog (is mandatory)
  • Server publication and subscription (is mandatory)
  • Alarms agent is not strictly mandatory, however you’ll need it if you want to provide alerts.
  • Location updater agent is not strictly mandatory, however you’ll need it if you want to update locations in case you have mobile components.
  • All other agents (are optional):

Installing the Web App Catalog

After build Sentilo, to install the Web App, you just need to deploy the WAR artifact in your Tomcat server, i.e., copy the WAR artifact into the webapps subdirectory of your Tomcat server.

You will find the WAR artifact at the following subdirectory:


Installing API server (subscription/publication)

After build Sentilo, to install the API (pub/sub) server, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Into the directory ./sentilo-platform/sentilo-platform-server/target/appassembler you’ll find two subdirectories named repo and bin:
  • repo directory contains all libraries needed to run the process
  • bin directory contains the script (sentilo-server) needed to initialize the process (there are two scripts, one for Linux systems and one for Windows)
  1. Copy these two directories in the root directory where you want to install this component (for example: /opt/sentilo-server).
  2. Once copied, for starting the process you just need to run the script:

Installing agents

As have been mentioned previously, all agents are optional and you are free to choose which of them will be deployed, depending on your specific needs. Agents are internal modules oriented to expand the platform functionality without having to alter its core. You will find more information about them in the Integrations section of our documentation.

The buildSentilo script builds also all agents. If you decide to install some of them, you just have to copy the contents of the appassembler directory to the path you want the agent to be installed.

For example, Alert agent would be installed like this:

  1. In the directory ./sentilo-agent-alert/target/appassembler you’ll find two subdirectories named repo and bin:
  • repo directory contains all libraries needed to run the process
  • bin directory contains the script (sentilo-agent-alert-server) needed to initialize the process (there are two scripts, one for Linux systems and one for Windows)
  1. Copy these two directories in the root directory where you want to install this component (for example: /opt/sentilo-agent-alert).
  2. Once copied, for starting the process you just need to run the following script:

All other agents follow the exact same directory structure.


The configuration of the agents has to be done before compilation and is documented in their respective page

Enable multi-tenant instance

In order to enable multi-tenant feature you need to ensure that your Sentilo version is at least 1.5.0. Otherwise you will have to upgrade your Sentilo instance.

Once the above requirement is fulfilled, you only need to do the following steps:

Modify your Tomcat startup script

You should modify your Tomcat startup script (e.g %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/ or %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/ to add a new JVM property:


Once you have added the JVM property, you must restart your Tomcat server.

Edit the Catalog web.xml file

The next step is to edit the Catalog file web.xml located at:


You will find some lines that are commented into this file which are needed to enable the multi-tenant feature. Therefore you should uncomment them:




Once you have uncomment the above lines, you should recompile the Catalog webapp module and redeploy it into your Tomcat server.

You will find more information about this feature in the Multi-Tenant section of our documentation.

Enable anonymous access to REST API

By default, anonymous access to REST API is disabled, e.g. all requests to REST API must be identified with the identity_key header.

Enabling anonymous access to the REST API means that only authorized data of your Sentilo instance can be accessed. Access to authorized data is described below.

In order to enable anonymous access you should modify the file sentilo-platform/sentilo-platform-server/src/main/resources/properties/

# Properties to configure the anonymous access to Sentilo

If anonymous access is enabled (enableAnonymousAccess=true), then all anonymous requests to REST API are internally considered as is they have been performed by the application client identified by the anonymousAppClientId property value (this application client should exist into your Sentilo Catalog), and therefore these requests will have the same data restrictions as the requests performed by this client application.

What next?

Check the Quick Start Page or Platform Testing page.